Achieving SDG6 at home and overseas

Achieving SDG6 at home and overseas






Date: Tuesday, 19 September
Time: 10.30am-12.00pm

Water is the life-blood of our planet: it is vital for human life. But today, over two billion people, in particular women and girls, face a daily struggle to find safe water to drink. They do not have access to sanitation services that would give them dignity and allow them to keep their communities and cities healthy and clean.

Prime Minister Turnbull is a member of the UN World Bank High Level Panel on Water (HLPW) established in 2016 to mobilize international support to achieve SDG 6 on water. This Session will discuss what Australia is doing to help our neighbours and how SDGs are being addressed by water managers in Australia.


10.30: Welcome and introduction – Russell Rollason,Governance, Fragility and Water Branch | Development Policy Division

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
10.40: Water everywhere, but will there be enough? – Michael Wilson, Assistant Secretary GFB, DFAT
10.55: Ensuring equity and wellbeing; how should Australia respond? – Eva Abal, Advisor, Strategic Projects and Partnerships, International WaterCentre
11.10: Managing water and waste in wetlands to achieve SDG6 goals – Kylie Crouch, Environmental Affairs Managers Sustainable Infrastructure Solutions, Unitywater; Partha Susarla, Strategic Planning Manager, Infrastructure, Planning and Development Branch, Sustainable Infrastructure Solutions, Unitywater
11.25: Panel discussion
11.45: Wrap up

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