Brendan Kennedy

Brendan Kennedy

Director – Tati Tati Kaiejin, Aboriginal Water Officer

Tati Tati, Latji Latji, Wadi Wadi, Mutti Mutti man, Brendan has been reviving culture and language for over 15 years, producing language books, animations, digital apps, Country reports and art exhibitions.

Descendant of the Murray River & Murrumbidgee River Traditional Nations, Brendan is a leader in all areas advocating for First Nations rights to water and Country, Tati Tati nation sovereignty, and community self-determination. He has taught language in schools and early childhood centres in Robinvale and continues to share and create learning opportunities for the North-western Victorian Aboriginal Communities.

Performing responsibilities such as deputy chair and Tati Tati delegate for Murray Lower Darling Rivers Indigenous Nations (MLDRIN); former chairperson of the Department of Environment, Land, Water, and Planning (DELWP) Water for Country Project Control Group (PCG); and chairperson of Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages (VACL); Brendan’s goals are to increase employment opportunities and see First Nations knowledges, values, aspirations and culture prioritised and thriving.

Brendan’s roles as Aboriginal Water Officer and Tati Tati Kaiejin Cultural Engagement Officer include continuing efforts to achieve Cultural Flows and purinya kaiejin kathiwatha – healthy water flowing.