Date: 1st of October
Depart from Brisbane at 7.30 am and return at 1.30 pm
Focused on the South Maroochy Catchment, this tour will demonstrate a collaborative partnership approach to source water protection and building landscape resilience for our waterways and water bodies. The partnership involves fostering a dynamic relationship between Seqwater (South East Queensland’s peak government water supply authority), ECOllaboration (an environmental organisation based on the Sunshine Coast), Farmwell Project (Maroochy Landcare) and private landholders.
The site tour will include visits to Poona and Wappa Dams, and two private properties, showcasing how Leveraging partnerships can result in a win-win for all stakeholders.
Case study 1 (Poona Dam Catchment) Partnerships, resilience and habitat creation.
Julian O’Mara (Senior Planner, Source Protection, Seqwater) – Thinking and planning regionally, partnering locally.
Mal Smith (Project Manager, Maroochy River Sourcewater Partnership, ECOllaboration) – Partnerships, resilience and habitat creation: an ecological, social, education, and training perspective.
Site 2 (Wappa Dam Catchment) Partnerships, resilience and sustainable agriculture.
Tim Odgers (Senior Planner, Source Protection, Seqwater) and Glenn Honor (Project Manager, Farmwell, Maroochy Landcare) – Partnerships with farmers to achieve sustainable agricultural practices and resilient properties.
Ticket Prices: $55 (plus GST)
Your ticket includes return bus transport (pick up and drop off at University of Queensland) and lunch