Ingrid Takken

Ingrid Takken

Ingrid Takken, Australia

Ingrid Takken has a background in surface water hydrology and geomorphology. Her PhD involved research and modelling of the impact of linear landscape features and soil roughness on the patterns of overland flow and erosion in agricultural catchments. During her post-doctoral research and subsequent academic career she studied hydrologic connectivity and the impact of roads on sediment delivery. Since 2008, Ingrid has been working as hydrology modeller at the Murray-Darling Basin Authority. In this role, she has been responsible for modelling the Victorian valleys during the development of the Basin Plan. More recently, she has supported Basin Plan implementation, including the development of the ecological outcome scoring tool and the implementation of SDL-adjustment proposals in the Murray model.

Presentation Title: Modelling environmental water in Source River System models: The River Murray System

Environmental water is now an important component of the river systems in the Murray-Darling basin, with over 2000 GL of water recovered through water-saving infrastructure and water buybacks across the Basin. This water resides in water portfolios comprising a large number and variety of water entitlements held by the Commonwealth and States. To achieve the best environmental outcomes, the use of the environmental water needs to be carefully planned, coordinated and delivered. The Source Murray Model (SMM) is a daily model of the River Murray system developed in the eWater Source Hydrologic Modelling Platform. The model is currently being implemented to support water resource planning and operations. Source models are also being developed for other river systems across the Murray-Darling Basin and will over time replace the (MSM-Bigmod, IQQM and REALM) models currently being used for water resource planning. It is important that these models can be used by MDBA, State governments and environmental water holders to assist with the planning and delivery of environmental water. To facilitate this, an Environmental Flow Module (EFM) is developed in Source, which allows users to set-up and test relevant environmental watering scenarios. The EFM includes functionality to define environmental flow rules, prioritise and roster environmental demands and account for use from different types of water entitlements. This presentation will demonstrate the EFM functionality and show a number of examples of its application within the Source Murray Model.

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