Integrated river basin management

  1. Simon Williams, Australia: The Snowy River flows again: Ecological process the basis for flow based river rehabilitation in the Snowy River.
  2. Jim Wilcox, USA: Restoring Ecosystem Services in the Sierra Nevada, California.
  3. Kimberly Schonek, USA: Verde River Flow and Habitat Restoration Initiative – Colorado River Program.
  4. Nyein Thandar Ko, Netherlands: Changes in macroinvertebrates assemblages in regulated rivers in Myanmar: Macroinvertebrate as an indicator to study the potential impact of dams.
  6. Tamara Boyd, Australia: Tracking and reporting the long-term social and cultural benefits of waterway investment.
  7. Brian Jackson, Australia: The Adaptive, Operational Management of the Crocodile River, Kruger Park, South Africa. An international Water Resources Management Experience with HydroNET.
  8. Simon Hunter and Joanna Taylor, Australia: Valley-wide floodplain management plans in NSW’s northern Murray-Darling Basin: protecting and maintaining floodplain and wetland connectivity
  9. Stephen Packer, Australia: Writing a Water Quality Imrovement Plan for the Mount Lofty Ranges – How to get improvement when there is no perceived problem?
  10. Carole Sweatman, Australia. Integrated solutions takes an integrated team – reshaping catchment and river health investment and action in the Wet Tropics
  11. Kate Fitzpatrick, USA: Basin Planning in the Upper Deschutes River:  Rebalancing water use in a changing climate
  12. Ying Tian, China: New approaches to river basin management for sustainable development in China.
  13. Reece Hill, New Zealand. Prioritising soil conservation and water quality issues for the Waikato River and Waipa River Restoration Strategy, New Zealand.
  14. Richard Cresswell, Australia. Integrated agricultural and water modelling to guide Healthy Rivers in New Zealand.
  15. J.M. Chandramali Jayawardana, Sri Lanka. Effect of catchment disturbance on river health in two agricultural catchment in Sri Lanka.
  16. Keri Neilson, New Zealand. Waikato and Waipa River Restoration Strategy – an action plan for the restoration of New Zealand’s longest river
  17. Erin O’Donnell, Australia. Environmental Water Managers: What Happens When the Environment has Legal Rights?
  18. Lyndal Hasselman, Australia. Watering the environment: Whose job is it anyway?
  19. Ester Galende Sanchez, Ireland. Integrating urban-rural communities through stakeholder analysis to implement Mechanisms for Rewarding Hydrological Ecosystem Services: Case Study of Lima, Peru