Queensland Urban Utilities’ (QUU) regenerated, rehabilitated and protected a highly-degraded reach of the
Logan River, preventing 5t of nitrogen and 11,000t of sediment entering the waterway every year. This Nutrient Offset solution was more economically and socially viable than sewage treatment plant upgrade. This Green Project triggered the government’s “Offsets Mechanism” allowing corporations and governments to invest in green projects and improve river health.

Date and time: Thursday 21st September 2017, 8am-3pm
Meeting point: Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, Glenelg St South Brisbane
Cost: $44 (Register now or amend your existing registration to purchase a ticket!)
all proceeds go towards the International RiverFoundation’s Twinning Program
Morning tea and lunch will be provided
Register now or amend your existing registration to purchase a ticket!
This study tour is organised and sponsored by Queensland Urban Utilities.